Young Environmental Collaboratives
Young Environmental Collaboratives promotes collaboration, wellness, and inquiry around mindful outdoor activities, including nature guiding and engagement, biological and conservation monitoring, and environmental education.

Guiding Nature Expeditions to help one connect with the outdoors has been a passion of mine for more almost 25 years, and so please join me on a professionally guided adventure exploring bogs, forests, warblers, finches, orchids, and more.

Let me know if you need a survey done for overall avian biodiversity, or for bird or orchid habitat assessment, or species-specific state and federally listed endangered and threatened species.

If you have a conservation concern, I’ll give you a professional, mindful assessment. I have almost 25 years experience in the field of conservation from forests, to birds, to orchids, to wetlands and more.

Education: Workshops, Talks, Classes, and More
I have been an outdoor educator my whole life, my mom as my first student when I was 4 years old…or so that’s how she tells the story. I’ve taught classes at SUNY-Cortland and still teach today at Cornell University. If you want to learn more about forests, finches, warblers, wetlands, orchids or the health benefits of nature, please let me know, I can offer a number of talks, presentations, guided tours (see Mindful Nature Expeditions above), workshops, classes and more.