Presentation: The Stokes Guide to Finches to the United States and Canada

To Book Call Matt 607-345-7713

Lillian Stokes and I will be traveling around doing our new talk on our new guide The Stokes Guide to Finches to the United States and Canada.

It its due out September 17th! We have several speaking events lined up, but just to name a few they include Biggest Week, Acadia Birding Festival, Adirondack Boreal Birding Festival, Life List, ABA, and a book launch at the Harris Center in NH where it all began on September 21.

So excited, and we will keep you posted on all of this as it unfolds! Thanks!

Other Presentations:

From Finches to The Finch Research Network

Finch Irruptions and the Finch Forecast

Road to Recovery: The Evening Grosbeak and its Fasciniating Natural History (coming Soon)

Honeycreepers: Finches of Hawaii and Conservation Crisis they Face (coming soon)

Crossbill Call Types

Wellness through Feederwatching and Finches

The Important Role Land Trusts play in Conservation

Warblers of the New York and the Northeast

Orchids of NY and the Northeast